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Take the Pledge to Vote for Libraries in 2024
Pledge to vote for libraries in the United States in 2024.
I wanted to reach out and ask if you could help out with sharing this pledge.
As I’m sure you know, it’s a big election year, and libraries are under attack. Many libraries are counting on voters to help them win ballot initiatives or elect legislators who care about libraries.
Without proper support, dozens of libraries are going to lose the funding they need to serve their communities. That means that many communities are going to lose access to storytimes, business support, and even the books in the library!
That’s why we really need your help to build voter support and make sure that libraries are ready this November.
The quickest and easiest thing you can do is click to share the pledge to vote for libraries on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
You can also copy and paste the text below into any other social media platform.
Help support libraries! this November!
Sign the pledge to vote for libraries and candidates that care about libraries.
pledge #libraries2024
If everyone who gets this email shares the pledge, we’ll be able to reach millions of Americans with this simple call to action.
It only takes a click to share it on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. I appreciate your help so very much.
John Chrastka
Executive Director
The post Take the Pledge to Vote for Libraries in 2024: Pledge to vote for libraries in the United States in 2024. first appeared on Stephen's Lighthouse.